

What People are Saying

I describe Najla as ma di tau, the ‘mother of lions’. She represents peace, she represents hope, she represents unity. Najla also represents the intellectual ability to manage change in any situation and her kindness is unlimited.

Najla is a powerful educator and her lessos help to realign purpose and direction as well as focus on the necessity to be fully engaged and connected with diverse workers in the workplace.
Najla is an asset to the corporate world as she can transform individuals to high performing teams leading to increased productivity.

– Carl Ruhinda, Project Manager

As a business owner who deals with many international clients daily, I found her advice and insights to be invaluable and have begun implementing them immediately.
Her delivery is a starting point for staff members and managers in any organisation looking to improve their approach to equal opportunities in the workplace and a resounding wake-up call for individuals who have issues to sort out in this regards.

– Richard Burian, Entrepreneur

Today I’ve had a whole new experience: a cultural one, a religious one and one about myself.

The journey has been to find out what I was so fearful of and the fear that came over me was one of the Islamic faith. Today I’ve been introduced by Najla to what life is really about from an Islamic from of view. It has opened my eyes to what the real thing is about, rather than the misconstrued ideas that come from the media and the world at large. The lessons that I’ve got today is that there’s empowerment from women of all cultures, walks of life and faiths. The growth from that is phenomenal; so embrace what you have, embrace each other and know that there’s nothing to fear.

– Marie Partier, Business Owner